Trying to sort through life


New Ideas

I think I'll broach this blog with a new idea....

"Random thoughts" ; "Songs that have inspired me today" ; and possible "Rants" are going to be the new categories  :)

Random Thoughts

  • I do not website designs were to go to "older entries" I have to hit a left sided button.... It feels completely backwards. (In a literal sense as well applies here too I suppose)
  • It bothers me how much I over think or over prepare for everything. I feel like because I do this I often set up people around me for failure. 
  • I feel like I've been on a emotional roller coaster lately. Extreme highs and extreme lows (and yes i know I've just described bipolar/depression) BUT it's all based off of outside influence. 
  • People that have no regard to others emotions and are just plain rude... can suck a homeless leper's ingrown toenail! 

That is all for today :)